Lavender Effervescent Bath Salts


Enjoy the soothing and relaxing qualities of a lavender-fragranced soaking bath that characterizes one of the more accessible pleasures of the golden days of the Roman Empire. The unique blend of salts, including much sought-after salt from the Dead Sea (long rumored to improve hydration and reduce inflammation), will ease the tension and tightness from one’s sore muscles.

This beckoningly blissful olfactory delight is offered in a recyclable glass jar to maintain freshness. The result is eco-friendly bath salts that will help one rediscover an inner harmony to carry through the journey ahead.

8 ounces of a fragrant botanical delight in timeless and romantic scents to elevate one's bath time to an effervescent experience of luxury and indulgence. Soak away the stress of long days, in the Victorian style, of course.


Enjoy the soothing and relaxing qualities of a lavender-fragranced soaking bath that characterizes one of the more accessible pleasures of the golden days of the Roman Empire. The unique blend of salts, including much sought-after salt from the Dead Sea (long rumored to improve hydration and reduce inflammation), will ease the tension and tightness from one’s sore muscles.

This beckoningly blissful olfactory delight is offered in a recyclable glass jar to maintain freshness. The result is eco-friendly bath salts that will help one rediscover an inner harmony to carry through the journey ahead.

8 ounces of a fragrant botanical delight in timeless and romantic scents to elevate one's bath time to an effervescent experience of luxury and indulgence. Soak away the stress of long days, in the Victorian style, of course.

Enjoy the soothing and relaxing qualities of a lavender-fragranced soaking bath that characterizes one of the more accessible pleasures of the golden days of the Roman Empire. The unique blend of salts, including much sought-after salt from the Dead Sea (long rumored to improve hydration and reduce inflammation), will ease the tension and tightness from one’s sore muscles.

This beckoningly blissful olfactory delight is offered in a recyclable glass jar to maintain freshness. The result is eco-friendly bath salts that will help one rediscover an inner harmony to carry through the journey ahead.

8 ounces of a fragrant botanical delight in timeless and romantic scents to elevate one's bath time to an effervescent experience of luxury and indulgence. Soak away the stress of long days, in the Victorian style, of course.

All-Natural Beeswax Cauldron Candle
from $45.00
Forest Gentleman's Smudge Wand with Boutonniere
Rose Effervescent Bath Salts
Crystal Rose Healing Smudge Wand
Datura Effervescent Bath Salts